OK, let’s face it. If you’re reading this page, you’re most likely interested in getting some extra help with your Apprise ERP system. Whether you need a full-blown overhaul or just some simple questions answered — I’m your man. I’ve spent years leading successful Apprise related projects from the initial requirements gathering phase to post go-live support — projects ranging from teeny-tiny customizations and standard 4-month version upgrades, to 2-year long implementations for 100+ million-dollar companies.
While I’m typically a very humble person, I can confidently say that if you choose to work with me, you’ll receive an unmatched level of care and Apprise expertise! Your success is quite literally my success, so I will always take extra care to provide the support and guidance that your company needs to thrive.
See below for more details on some of the Apprise related services I can offer.
- Basic Support (Why isn’t this working?)
- Process Review and Improvement (How can I do this better?)
- Implement new systems and modules (How can I start doing this?)
- Crystal Reports
- ProShip Shipping Integration / Customizations
- Bartender Labels
Apprise ERP – Basic Support
Noticing ‘weird’ system behavior or getting an error message that you just don’t understand? Not sure what a particular screen is for? Trust me when I say I’ve seen it all! I offer same day support so you can get your questions answered and move past those pesky roadblocks.
Note: Due to licensing, I am unable to make code changes or fix ‘bugs’ you might encounter in the system. I can however help triage them and make the path to getting them fixed as smooth as possible.
Apprise ERP – Process Review and Improvement
Are you constantly wasting time with inefficient process flows that can’t keep up with your evolving business? If so, this may be one of the best services for you! I will first work closely with management and end-users to understand existing business process flows and how they are being handled today. I’ll then provide a detailed recommendation on how that process can be improved within the confines of the system to save you time and money. In addition to this, I will also provide detailed documentation outlining WHAT the new process flow is and WHY we are doing it that way, so future employees can get started with minimal training.
Apprise ERP – Implement New Systems and Modules
Looking to implement new functionality or even a new system? I can help with that too!
While some of your more Apprise savvy users may be able to get new functionality running by following the built-in ‘Help’ documentation, there’s no substitute for having an experienced professional guide you every step of the way. Having implemented new systems and modules for companies of all sizes within a variety of industries, there’s very little that I haven’t come across before. I will work closely with your team to gather requirements, configure the new module, test it, document it, and finally train the end-users. By being involved from start to finish, I can truly have a full understanding of your people and your business and set you up for ultimate success.
If you are implementing a brand-new system, you most likely already have an Apprise resource helping with the implementation. Even if that is the case, it may be beneficial to have some additional support. If this describes your current situation, I’d be happy to discuss how I can fulfill your needs in more detail.
Crystal Reports
If you run Apprise ERP, you are most likely familiar with Crystal Reports. This is the program which is used to generate all internal and customer facing documents from the system. It is also a great standalone application which can be utilized to create documents from any data source. I have experience with both scenarios and can quickly and efficiently build and personalize reports for your business.
- Modify existing reports
- Build new reports from scratch
- Utilize a variety of data sources (Apprise, ODBC, SQL Server, Access, etc.)
ProShip Shipping Integration / Customizations
More and more Apprise users are utilizing the built-in integration with the ProShip shipping software, to great success! However, there are a few areas within ProShip that are sometimes difficult for the average user to manage on their own. I’ve implemented a number of ProShip solutions and can help with the following:
- Configuring new carriers and locations
- Uploading custom UPS rates
- Writing custom logic to transform data sent to/from ProShip. This is perfect when you need to output certain information on labels or choose a specific carrier based on unique customer requirements.
Bartender Labels
If you’ve done any sort of shipping within Apprise, you’ve definitely heard of Bartender. This is the label program which takes flat files generated from the system and then prints out a nice-looking carton or pallet label. Whether you are bringing on new customers with unique label requirements or just want to add a new field to your standard label, I can quickly get you the desired result that you need.